Welcome to T.O.A.S.T. HQ!

It's time to break bread!


Q: So what is T.O.A.S.T.?

A: T.O.A.S.T. is the name of our airsoft team.

Q: So what does T.O.A.S.T. stand for?

A: Tactical Operations Airsoft Strike Team.

Q: OK so what is airsoft?

A: Airsoft as defined by Wikipedia - "Airsoft is a sport or recreational pastime in which players participate in the simulation of military combat also called MilSim or law enforcement-style combat using smoothbore airsoft guns (or "twist" barrels) designed as replicas of real firearms."

Now that the technical definition is taken care of, here it is in easy to understand format. We run around and shoot each other with guns that fire small (6mm) plastic bbs. That is simplifying the definition down to it's essance.

The next question out of people's mouths, usually, is why do we do it? That is a tough answer. Every one has different reasons, but it all boils down to one word, FUN. For some it is the primal thrill of stalking your prey and getting the kill, for others it is the oppertunity to just run around out doors and get together with people who share a common interrest.


Founding Members:

Doc (Jim)

Brasso (Derek, SGTBrasso on MiA, SgrBrasso on NMA)

Flipper (Robin, Flipper on MiA, SGTFlipper on NMA)

Additional members:

Adam (Roadkill on MiA)


Josh (Nogg on NMA, Uneasymind on MiA)

Tim (Shadow on NMA)

Nate (Pyro)

Mikey (Spooner)




And also our friends from Tawas:





If you are in the area and would like to come sling some plastic with us you need to do two things.

1) Read and agree to the Rules of Airsoft and download and sign the Rules Agreement form.

2) Download and have signed our Release of Liability Form. Bring both copies with you so we have it on site.

Photo Album / Northern Michigan Airsoft Forum / MiA Messageboard / Area51 Shots

Contact Northern Michigan Airsoft / TOAST


Thanks for Visiting!